27 March, 2025

27 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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Modern Fallacies about God: where Theists and Atheists Agree

Damon Linker, 'Memo to atheists: God’s not dead yet' in The Week

David Bentley Hart, 'The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss' Yale: Yale University Press, 2014.

Ayatullah ʿAbdullah Jawādī Āmulī. A Commentary on Theistic Arguments.  

Karim Aghili. God in Islamic Traditions: A Glance at al-Tawhid by Shaykh al-Saduq. 

Sayyed Mohammad Beheshti. God in the Quran.