God’s Existence: The Argument From Being (Wujūd)
Word: Māhiyah
Meaning: Whatness of things, makeup of things
Word: Wujūd
Meaning: Existence, being
Word: Contingent being
Meaning: exists dependently, does not exist in and of itself
Word: Necessary being
Meaning: exists independently, exists in and of itself
Word: Logical priority
Meaning: Priority in the chain of cause and effect, may be simultaneous or not
Word: Temporal priority
Meaning: Priority in time
Word: Infinite regress
Meaning: Going back in the chain of cause-effect ad infinitum
Word: Logical absurdity
Meaning: Pure impossibility
Word: Objective
Meaning: A pure fact, it does not depend on human opinion.
Word: Subjective
Meaning: Depends on human senses, perceptions and opinion. Difficult to know for certain if it is 100% true.