Bio: The Prophet Muhammad as a Prophet of God (PART II of III)
Word: Banu Hāshim
Meaning: Clan of the Prophet
Word: Quraysh
Meaning: Tribe of the Prophet
Word: Cave of Hira
Meaning: Cave the Prophet meditated and prayed in
Word: Hanīf
Meaning: An Arab who followed the monotheistic message of Abraham
Word: Mecca
Meaning: City the Prophet was born in
Word: Medina
Meaning: City the Prophet migrated to and found as his permanent base.
Word: Hijrah
Meaning: the Prophet’s migration to Medina in the year 622.
Word: Khadījah
Meaning: The first wife of the Prophet
Word: Abū Ṭālib
Meaning: The uncle of the Prophet
Word: ʿAbd Al-Muṭṭalib
Meaning: The Prophet’s grandfather
Word: Qutb
Meaning: literally means pole. It is that perfect human being who is the cosmic and universal leader of all of God’s saints and the mediator between the divine and human realms. His presence is necessary for the continued existence of the world.