28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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God’s Existence: The Argument From Being (Wujūd)

Question: Can’t there be a third form of existence, something that is between necessary and contingent?

Answer: The only other alternative is an impossible existence, that is, a logical absurdity, like the whole of a thing being greater than its part, or a “square-circle.” These kinds of absurdities are only mental creations and have no existence.

Question: How do atheists reject this argument?

Answer: One can reject the argument, but the only way to do so is to accept its alternative, namely the logical absurdity of infinite regress, which cannot be justified in any way. This is why rejection of God, according to the Qur’an, can only be done with the lack of ‘aql, or proper intellect. 

Question: What is wujūd?

Answer: Wujūd is the simple fact of existence, it is the “something is there” part of our understanding of the world. 

Question: What is māhīya?

Answer: Māhiya is the makeup or “whatness” of the existent being, that is, its details, how it is understood, parts, origins, end, etc.. When you ask “what is this” concerning a particular object, you’re talking about māhiya.   

Question: Can science one day disprove God?

Answer: No, God’s existence depends on the fact that there is such as “existence” which we are consciously aware of, and not the discoveries of science.