28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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The Gray Areas of Islamic Law and Morality

Question: Are halal and haram moral categories?

Answer: Yes, they can be moral categories in two ways, in our relationship with others and in our relationship with God. Disobeying God while not directly harming others is still immoral.  

Question: What is a gray area in Islamic law?

Answer: It is an area where it isn’t clear cut whether an action is morally good or bad, but in the law, it may be a point where we’re not sure about, or be something that is reprehensible but permissible (makrūh) 

Question: Can you name an example of a makrūh act which God dislikes but allows anyways?

Answer: Divorce 

Question: If there is a gray area in Islam, should we approach it or leave it?

Answer: The Prophet (s) taught us to leave it as it risks leading us into sin 

Question: How does something mubāh become mustahab?

Answer: By changing one’s intention in wanting to please God.