28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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The Prophet and his Relationships

Question: What was the Prophet’s relationship with the Qur’an?

Answer: He was the Qur’an in action. 

Question: Why did the Prophet (s) show compassion to people?

Answer: By showing compassion, the Messenger of Allah (s) not only expressed to them the love that was in his heart, but by doing so he also opened their hearts to him and in turn, their hearts to Allah. 

Question: How was the Prophet’s relationship with Allah?

Answer: It was founded on absolute trust, obedience, sincerity and love to Him. The relationship was that of total servitude. 

Question: Why did the Prophet (s) not disown the companions he knew would deviate after him?

Answer: He did not want to take away their chance of guidance as everyone must have a chance at salvation. 

Question: What’s the point of an Ummah?

Answer: To break down tribal, geographic and racial barriers. These identities that people have, whether they are racial or tribal, are all mental creations and often beget hatred towards others and eventually alienation from God.