28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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Heaven and Hell in Islam

Question: Why does the Qur’an mention Heaven so much?

Answer: To encourage people to be good, patient and know that they will be rewarded infinitely more than what they sacrificed in this world. 

Question: Why does the Qur’an mention Hell so much?

Answer: So that people would be warned and refrain from sinning 

Question: Is the hellfire real?

Answer: Yes, but it is not the same kind of fire as in this world. 

Question: Is the description of heaven imagery, or really real?

Answer: Like hell, the description of heaven is real and not metaphorical. 

Question: Is hell forever?

Answer: Only for those who truly do not want to repent