28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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Islam and Other Religions

Question: Who are the Ahl al-Kitāb? 

Answer: They are the People of the Book, that is, people who belong to a religion that was divinely revealed within the line of the Prophet Abraham (as). They are Jews, Christians and Sabians. 

Question: Is a polytheist an idol worshiper? 

Answer: Generally yes, but some polytheists do not worship outside idols but are simply polytheistic in their beliefs.

Question: If a non-Muslim insults Allah or Islam, can I insult him or her back? 

Answer: No, in 6:108, Allah teaches us to keep our manners. That produces an atmosphere of respect. 

Question: Why is idol worship bad? 

Answer: Because it keeps people from worshiping the true God and creator of the universe.  

Question: What is a mushrik? 

Answer: Someone who worships idols or gods other than Allah and associates partners with Allah who help Him maintain the world.