28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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Modern Fallacies about God: where Theists and Atheists Agree

Question: What is Tawhīd? 

Answer:  Tawhīd is the oneness and unity of God. It means that He is absolutely one and there is nothing imaginable like Him.   

Question: What is objectifying God?

Answer: Objectifying God or Allah means to consider Him as a being who exists like we do, that is, as a limited object among other objects that currently exist.   

Question: How does the Abrahamic God differ from the gods of polytheism?

Answer: The Abrahamic or Muslim God is the non-conditional, non-contingent source of all of existence, He is the condition of possibility for anything to exist. The gods of polytheism are contingent beings like any other except that they are immortal.   

Question: If I reject the existence of a contingent God, am I an atheist?

Answer:  Not unless you believe in a God who is non-contingent.   

Question: What does it mean when you say “God is the fountain of all of existence”

Answer:  It means that the totality of reality and existence depends upon Him.