29 March, 2025

29 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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Faith in Islam: Belief without Evidence?

Question: What is īmān?

Answer: A deep relationship of trust with God; trusting that what God says is true; faith that God will help and sustain you throughout your life and gives what is best for you.   

Question: Is faith belief without evidence?

Answer: No, it is trusting God and having a relationship with Him after one has come to know of God’s existence through evidence. 

Question: Where should I look to know about God’s existence?

Answer:  Philosophy and theology. 

Question: What does it mean for faith to be a moral category?

Answer: The proper and right way that one should approach and interact with God. 

Question: Is the concept of īmān in Islam and faith in Christianity similar?

Answer: Yes, the traditional conception of faith as a moral and not epistemological category is very similar.