Imamah in the Qur’an
Question: Name me one example of an Imam in the Qur’an
Answer: Ibrahim (as), according to Q2:124
Question: Is every Prophet an Imam?
Answer: No
Question: Is every Imam a Prophet?
Answer: No
Question: Who is the first Imam ever?
Answer: The Prophet Ibrahim (as)
Question: What is the difference between Imamah and Prophethood?
Answer: Prophethood is where a person receives direct revelation from God in order to carry out a particular task in the world, such as conveying a message or fulfilling a specific mission. Imamah is a cosmic status, it is where a person becomes the metaphysical vehicle of guidance for all of the world and acquires power over all of creation. One does not necessarily need to be a Prophet in order to acquire this status.