28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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Islam and Rights

Question: What is haqq in Islam?

Answer: Haqq means truth, but it can also mean rights and responsibilites.   

Question: How are rights understood in Islam?

Answer: Rights are understood in relationship with responsibilities in Islam and hence why the word haqq can mean both. Every right comes with a responsibility in Islam, and every responsibility comes with a right. 

Question: Do we have rights and responsibilities to ourselves in Islam?

Answer: Yes, for example, our bodies have the right to be fed and hence we have the responsibility to feed ourselves.   

Question: Are there inalienable rights in Islam?

Answer: Yes, for example, a free person can never make himself or herself a slave in Islam.  

Question: Do men and women have the same rights in Islam?

Answer: No because they have different responsibilities.