28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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Trivializing the Harām

Question: What does it mean to trivialize the harām?

Answer: It is to believe that either God doesn’t really care if we commit sins, or believe that He will forgive no matter what.

Question: Can we be sure that God will forgive us of our sins on the Day of Judgment?

Answer: Never 

Question: What is an example of an act that our cultures may consider ok but is haram in Islam?

Answer:  Backbiting 

Question: When we do something harām, who do we harm the most?

Answer: Our souls 

Question: If God forgives us for our sins, do we still lose something?

Answer: Yes, the chance to grow spiritually. Obedience to God would naturally take us forward.