28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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Satan, Jinns and Angels: Their Influence in the World

Question: Is Satan an angel according to Islam?

Answer: No, he is a Jinn. According to Islam, angels cannot sin or disobey God.

Question: How do the Jinn deviate us from the right path?

Answer: By whispering in our hearts and putting evil thoughts, or thoughts that eventually lead to evil.

Question: What’s the difference between Angels and Jinns?

Answer: Jinns have free will and desires, they can disobey God. Angels either don’t have desires, or don’t have free will, or don’t have either. Either way, they cannot disobey Allah nor sin.

Question: Why did Satan turn bad?

Answer: Because of his pride and arrogance, he refused to prostrate to Adam (as) - as per the command of Allah - whom he thought was an inferior being. 

Question: How do whispers affect our psychological makeup?

Answer: Our minds, or psychological makeup, is shaped by the habits and choices we make. Through their whispers, the Jinn try to influence our habits and choices and thereby change our psychological makeup.