28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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A Brief Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (s): The Prophet’s Character (PART III of III)

Bismillāhir Rahmānir Rahīm, As-salāmu ʿAlaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh. Peace be upon you brothers and sisters.  
Welcome back to the Muslim Converts Channel!

PART III: The Prophet’s Character

 Here we will list a number of qualities of the Prophet Muhammad in order to get to know his personality better.

  1.  The Prophet had the best of manners. He never swore at anyone, nor was he rude. Whenever he reprimanded someone, he did it with the utmost respect.
  2. The Prophet Muhammad (s) also had a lot of humor. Once a woman came asking the Prophet (s) where her husband was. The Prophet replied: “Oh you mean the man with the white on his eye?” The lady replied that God forbid, her husband was healthy and did not have “white” on his eye! The Prophet replied that he was just teasing for everyone has white on their eyes.
  3. The Prophet always sought peace instead of war. Whenever there was tension, the Prophet always resorted to making treaties to prevent war. The wars he did partake in were all defensive in nature.
  4. The Prophet was very kind to children. He would come down on his knees when speaking to them, never looking down at them. He would play games with them all the time and gave them sweets before parting.
  5. The Prophet was very kind and generous to the poor. He barely owned anything, he would give away all his wealth to the poor even if it meant starvation for him. The Prophet was hungry most of his days.
  6. The Prophet was very kind to women. He instructed Muslims in saying that the best of believers were those who were the best to women. The Prophet always preferred monogamy to polygamy. He spent most of his life being married to one woman. It is only at the height of battles did he marry extra women for the sake of tribal alliances. When the Prophet conquered Mecca, he was at the height of his power but he did not take an extra wife.  
  7. The Prophet gave the utmost importance to orphans. In a famous tradition by the Prophet, he is reported to have said that “The best house among the Muslims is one where an orphan is well treated, and the worst house among the Muslims is one where an orphan is badly treated.”
  8. The Prophet hated cruelty against animals. He always insisted that people should be gentle and compassionate to their animals. In one incident, while the Prophet was preaching in the Mosque, a cat came and sat on his clothes while he was sitting. The cat soon fell asleep. When the Prophet wanted to leave, not wanting to disturb the cat, ripped part of his clothes so that he didn’t have to move the cat and wake it up.
  9. The Prophet was a strong proponent of protecting the environment. He disliked wasting of water very much. He taught his followers that they should not waste water even through splashing when they ran passed a river.
  10. The Prophet always paid great attention to his appearance. He always combed his hair, brushed his teeth, wore clean clothes and always put on perfume. His favorite perfume was musk.  
  11. The Prophet was very respectful of people of other religions. In a visit by a delegation of Christians, he let them sleep and pray in his own Mosque in Medina.
  12. The Prophet did not attach himself to worldly pleasures. Even at the height of power, he lived in a mud house and slept on the floor on a straw mat that would leave red marks on his face.
  13. The Prophet was kind to all people, even those who were at the lowest in terms of social status. Whenever he would shake their hands, he would always be the last to take his hand away. Whenever he talked to someone, he would make him or her feel as if he or she was the most important person in the world.
  14. The Prophet always smiled. This was indeed a distinguishing characteristic of his.

 Until Next Time, Thank you for watching. As-salāmu ʿAlaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh