28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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Other Obligatory and Forbidden Acts in Islam


Bismillāhir Rahmānir Rahīm, As-salāmu ʿAlaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh. Peace be upon you brothers and sisters.

Welcome back to the Muslim Converts Channel!

In this lesson, we will take a look at some more obligatory and forbidden acts in Islam and see how they are connected to the furū al-dīn.


And We have revealed to you (0 Muhammad) the Reminder (that is, the Qur'an) so you may clarify to the people what has been revealed to them, and so that they may reflect (Chapter 16, verse 44 of the Holy Qur’an)

The furūʿ al-dīn are the platform of Islamic law. This does not mean that they are the entirety of the law. Just because prayer or salāt may be the most important ritual practice of Islamic law, it does not mean that other practices are unimportant. Every aspect of Islam plays a specific role.

Think of it as a bunch of pillars in a building. Every pillar plays a critical role in upholding a building. Yes, some pillars may be bigger than the others, but they are all important in their own way. Here is a small list of other obligatory and forbidden acts in Islam:

Marriage can be wājib: If a person is afraid that by staying single, he or she will fall into sin, then marriage becomes obligatory. Remember that marriage is one of the most important foundations of the Islamic community’s salvation in the Hereafter since it protects them from zina.

Zina is forbidden in Islam. It is one of the major sins (kabā’ir, sing. kabīra). Zina is illicit intercourse in Islam between a man and a woman. Usually zina either takes place between two unmarried people, or takes place as a form of adultery. Zina carries a heavy penalty in Islam as it risks the health of the Muslim ummah by undermining the sanctity of marriage. According to Islam, marriage is the best institution for raising spiritually healthy children. Without marriage, the future of the next generation is put in danger.

Drinking alcohol or taking drugs is haram in Islam. Drinking alcohol is also a kabīra and is punishable in Islam. Alcohol is often the source of many of society’s crimes and family breakdown. But in Islam, alcohol’s worst effect is on a person’s soul, spirit and heart. It is detrimental to a person’s spiritual health for it opens the gates for Shaytān.

Gossiping (ghība): Gossiping behind people’s backs, that is, backbiting and exposing their faults is forbidden in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad and his Ahl al-Bayt (as) have many hadiths stating that it is even worse than zina!

Respecting one’s parents is obligatory in Islam. The opposite, therefore, is also true. One is not allowed to disrespect them. Disrespecting one’s parents is ungratefulness to the people who brought us to the world and is a total lack of manners. Just these two things are enough to destroy a person’s soul.

It is forbidden to cut off relations with one’s family, and it is forbidden to ignore a Muslim for more than three days. Cutting off relation with one’s family is a major sin in Islam. It doesn’t matter how bad or rude they are; we must do it for the sake of Allah.

Providing for one’s wife and children is obligatory in Islam. In Islam, this is called nafaqa. Women have no obligation to work and “bring home the halal bacon.” This is the sole responsibility of a man. A woman, however, may choose to work if she wants. A man cannot do this. He must work and bring home money.

Gambling is one of the greatest sins in Islam. It is forbidden under any circumstance. Gambling is often the source of personal conflict, bankruptcy, heedlessness of God, and family breakdown. No Muslim community can be healthy when these things become common.

Lying, cheating, stealing or murdering are all forbidden in Islam. This of course is obviously a no-brainer. No community or society can function, either materially or spiritually if these sins are prevalent.

Shark loans and usury are forbidden in Islam. The Islamic term for usury is ribā. Many people have had their lives destroyed, or have had generations of their family in debt because of shark loans and usury. According to the Qur’an, taking usury from people is war against God.

Racism is completely forbidden in Islam. Plenty of hadiths teach us that racism leads people straight out of Islam. The only thing that makes a person superior in Islam is his or her piety.
Until Next Time, Thank you for watching. As-salāmu ʿAlaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh