28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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The Prophet and his Relationships

This lesson is about looking at the kinds or levels of relationships that the Prophet Muhammad (s) had. The ones we’ve chosen are his relationships with God, the Qur’an, his progeny, the Ummah and his companions.  


The Prophet Muhammad’s (s) relationship with Allah was founded on absolute trust, obedience, sincerity and love to Him. The relationship was that of total servitude. In short, the best word we can find for this is Islam, which means to submit and serve God alone.  


The Prophet’s greatest relationship with the Qur’an, aside from having been the vessel for its revelation, was that he was the Qur’an in action. 


We have plenty of companions at the time of the Prophet (s) who described him as the “walking and talking Qur’an.” This meant that he was a total embodiment of the Qur’an’s message. 


The Prophet knew the role that the Ahl al-Bayt (as) were to play in guiding humankind after him. He therefore spent his life training them so that they would be prepared when he would have to depart this world. 


The Prophet also gathered Muslims and created a new community called the Ummah. The intention of creating a Ummah or Islamic community was to break down tribal, geographic and racial barriers. These identities that people have, whether they are racial or tribal, are all mental creations and often beget hatred towards others and eventually lead to alienation from God.