28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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The Prophet Muhammad (s) as Messenger and Teacher

The Prophet Muhammad (s) was a messenger. Being a messenger is the next level beyond being a prophet for it means that the person in question is high enough to receive a new system of laws and even a divine scripture. A regular Prophet doesn’t get these, but a Messenger does!   


The Prophet (s) was also known as al-Amīn, which means “the truthful.” The Prophet (s) was truthful and honest in all of his dealings, businesses and relationships with people. For this reason, the entire community of Mecca trusted him and always brought him in to solve their issues for they could trust him only in being unbiased in his opinions.  


The Prophet (s) was also known as al-Muʿallim, for as a teacher he guided people’s hearts to the truth and did not force belief on them. 


The Prophet (s) was also known as al-Tabīb, that is, the doctor of people’s hearts and souls. His role in this regard was that of a spiritual healer and transformer. He cured the diseases that were in their hearts. This disease was none other than separation from God, which is the source of so many internal ills like anger, pride, egoism, jealousy and hatred. 


The Prophet (s) was also the “Seal of the Prophets” meaning that he was the last of all prophets. This is so because the message of Islam was complete and perfect, for all times, places and peoples. No longer was there a need for additional messages. How do you perfect perfection?