28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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Maʿād: The Day of Judgment in Islam

The Day of Judgment in Islam is the day when all humans will be resurrected after their death. Life in this world is the first phase of human life. In this life, there is choice. The life in the next world is the second, eternal stage where we will reap the consequences of the choices we made in the first stage of our lives.

The religion of Islam holds that at the peak of  the world’s darkness, God will send a savior, namely the 12th Imām of the Ahl al-Bayt (as), known as al-Mahdī, to rectify the world’s corruption and bring justice and faith to all of humanity.  

 This final event of Imām al-Mahdī’s (aj) reappearance will set the stage for the total end of the world. The Mahdī is the promised messiah and savior of the world. His death will mark the end of the world, and the beginning of the Day of Judgment.

 According to Islamic tradition, when Allah wills to bring the Day of Judgment into effect, He will send down the Archangel Isrāfīl who will blow his trumpet and destroy the world with all life in it. Isrāfīl will then blow his trumpet again and the world will come back and all humans that ever lived will be resurrected to life.  

 As resurrected people, every single human on earth will stand before God and account for all of his or her deeds and the state of their souls.  

So the kinds of things that will matter on that they are the following: when they lived, how much of a role did God have in their lives? How did they treat people, animals and nature? Did they waste their lives pursuing trivial matters? What was their relationship to God’s Prophets? Did they reject them out of hand even after coming to know the truth?