28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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The Three Kinds of Rights in Islam

In Islam, we have three kinds of rights, the right of the self, the rights of others and the rights of God. The rights of the self is to dignify oneself. This means that one should respect one’s body, and how one utilizes one’s time.  Our fourth Imam said in this regard: 


And the right of yourself incumbent upon you is that you employ it in obeying God; then you deliver to your tongue its right, to your hearing its right, to your sight its right, to your hand its right, to your leg its right, to your stomach its right, to your private part its right, and you seek help from God in all that 


The rights of others is to be kind to them, in their absence, in their periods of difficulty and when they make mistakes. Our fourth Imam said the following about the rights of our neighbors and friends: 


The right of your neighbor is that you guard him when he is absent, honor him when he is present, and aid him when he is wronged. You do not pursue anything of his that is shameful; if you know of any evil from him, you conceal it. If you know that he will accept your counsel, you counsel him in that which is between him and you. You do not forsake him in difficulty, you release him from his stumble, you forgive his sin, and you associate with him generously. And there is no strength save in God. 



The rights of God is to believe that He is the absolute sustainer of everything and that nothing or no one has independent power or ability to do things outside of God’s prerogatives. Our fourth Imam said in this regard: 


The greatest right of God against you is that you worship Him without associating anything with Him. When you do that with sincerity (ikhlas), He has made it binding upon Himself to give you sufficiency in the affair of this world and the next.