07 March, 2025

7 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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Islam and Science

Islam believes that observing and studying nature is a way to grow closer to God. In this way, science is a good way to strengthening one’s belief in God for it reveals to us the complex but beautiful way Allah’s created world works.  


From this vantage point, Islam therefore encourages scientific research. It also encourages us to make a living out of it for it is an honorable profession as long as we don’t use science as a means for immorality.  


How can science be used for immoral purposes? Well, as science has given us a lot of good, like curing diseases or bringing sanitary water to people’s homes, it has also given us the atomic bomb or the creation of deadly diseases in the form of biological weapons.  


Science is a tool, it can either be used for good or bad. Islam supports science when it is a means for good, but opposes it when it becomes a means for evil. 


In our pursuit of science and knowledge, we must always keep in mind that our pursuit must always be for the sake of God. Imam Ali (as) once said: 


 “Do not seek knowledge for four aims: (1) Self-glorification in front of people of knowledge(2) Quarrelling with the ignorant(3) Showing off in gatherings of people(4) Attracting attention of people in order to secure an office of authority.” 


To learn more, please tune into the full version of this lesson.