22 February, 2025

23 Sha’ban, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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Benefits of Islamic Law in this World

Everything we do in this world, every action we undertake inevitably affects our souls. Directly or indirectly, it plays a role in our salvation. The purpose of our lives is to worship Allah. 


The Qur’an says: 


And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me 


(Chapter 51, verse 56 of the Holy Qur’an) 


This verse does not mean that the reason Allah created us was to have people worship Him, it means that the goal of our life in this world is to worship Allah. In other words, the goal of our lives is not simply believing that God exists, but it is to have a good relationship with Him.  


As Allah is our Creator and Nurturer, He also wants us to live good lives in this world. A good life does not necessarily mean a life of luxury, but it does mean a life of dignity and honor. These are characteristics which either poor or rich can assume. Living a dignified and honorable life requires a certain degree of harmony in all aspects of our lives and in all our relationships.  


Allah’s commands to us isn’t just there to purify our souls and ensure success in the Hereafter, but it is also to bring harmony in our lives so that we may have dignity and honor in this world as well. 


Three of the areas this lecture looks at are marriage, having children and not drinking alcohol.