28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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Islam, Racism and Anti-Semitism



Islam is against racism. In fact, Islam is one of the few premodern religions to have explicitly opposed racism of all kinds. This includes racism against people of different skin color, or against ethnic-religious groups like Jews. 


Islam believes that we are all the children of Adam and as such we are all honored by Him. The Prophet Muhammad (s) once said: 


O people, Allah has removed the slogans of ignorance from you and the exaltation of its forefathers. The people are only two kinds: either a righteous, Godfearing believer dignified to Allah, or a wicked, miserable sinner insignificant to Allah. The people are all the children of Adam and Adam was created from dust. Allah said: O people, We have created you male and female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily, the most noble to Allah is the most righteous of you. 


Some people think that God honored all of humankind, but somehow He honored some more than others. They think that He honored whites over blacks, of blacks over whites, or men over women, or women over men, or rich over poor. 


The honor, however, is an equal honor that applies to all. The ONLY thing which surpass others in is in piety, consciousness of God and righteousness. In other words, the closer you are to God, the higher in rank and value you are to Him and nothing else! So it doesn’t matter if you’re a man, woman, white, black, Arab, non-Arab, rich or poor, what counts here is righteousness and consciousness of God.