28 March, 2025

28 Ramadan, 1446 H

"Silence saves you from regret"

- Imam Ali (as) -

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God’s Existence: The Argument From Design

The argument from Design brings us to our last argument for God’s existence. Note that there are about 11 to 13 arguments for God’s existence, but we’ve chosen the three most prominent ones.


 The argument from Design has a wide range of different arguments. At its most basic level, this argument states that if we observe design in nature, we can often conclude that there is a designer behind the design since random chance is impossible or nearly impossible.


 There are plenty of arguments from design. The two prominent ones stem from biology and cosmology.


 In this lesson, we cover the cosmological version of the argument from design and we support it with arguments from recent discoveries in cosmology.


 To learn more, please tune into the full version of this lesson.