Categories Select All Cards Curriculum General Categories Foundations of Islam - Obligatory Acts Foundations of Islam - Theology God, Religion and Islam: An Introduction Independent Topics Islam, Religion, and Modern Controversies Islamic Relationships, Sects and Conflicts Islamic Relationships, Sects and Conflicts Measuring Good and Bad in Islam Prophethood in Islam Special Topics The Legacy of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and h... The Qur'an and Hadith Converting to Islam God, Religion and Islam Introductio... Islam, Religion and Modern Controve... Curriculum General All | Question & Answer | Glossary What is shahāda? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How is the shahāda pronounced and what does it mean? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Does the shahāda differ among Muslims? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How is Imāmah an extension of the Prophet Muhammad’s (s) message? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is inner transformation? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What does it mean to follow the Prophet as a role model? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Why do I have to perform ghusl after converting to Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What can I do to treat the shahāda as a fact rather than just a belief or opinion? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Why is tawhīd the most important part of the uṣūl al-dīn? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the Good? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is ʿAdāla? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is Evil? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Why does transgression of the balance lead to corruption? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Why does Allah make justice obligatory upon Himself? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Why does God allow evil? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the purpose of Prophethood in Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What’s the difference between wahī and ilhām? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What’s the difference between a nabī (Prophet) and a rasūl (Messenger)? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Why is the Prophet Muhammad (s) the last Prophet? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What’s the difference between Sunnah and hadīth? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is salvation? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the Day of Judgment? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the difference between Qiyāmah and Maʿād? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Who is Isrāfīl? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is one way we will be judged on the Day of Judgment? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Who are munkir and nakīr? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the literal meaning of the Sharīʿa? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Can we enforce Sharīʿa in non-Muslim countries? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the purpose of the Sharīʿa? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How is the Sharīʿa universal? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. According to the Sharīʿa, am I allowed to disobey civil laws? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the nafs? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the fitrah? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the pure heart? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What happens when we refuse the whims of the nafs? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How do we win the battle against the Nafs? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is an Imām? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What does the Qur’an say about Imāms? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Who are ʿAlī and the Mahdī? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the difference between Imāmah in Sunnism and Shiʿism? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the difference between Imāmah after the Prophet Muhammad and Prophethood in general? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Do the Imāms have to be present in order to guide us? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Can God enforce Imāmah upon mankind? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How is it possible for an Imām to indirectly guide so many people via his light? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How many usūl al-dīn are there? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Do I need to believe in all of the usūl al-dīn in order to be a Muslim? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What are the usūl al-dīn? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. If the God of Islam is One and has no partners, then what do angels and prophets do? Aren’t they partners that help God manage the world of creation? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Will the resurrection on the Day of Judgment be physical or spiritual? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Shahāda Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Polytheism Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Monotheism Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Dīn Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Ghusl Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Shirk Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Adāla Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Subjective Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Objective Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Tāghūt Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Al-Ghanī Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Al-Ālim Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Al-Hakīm Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Tawhīd Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Wahī Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Ilhām Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Nabī Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Sunnah Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Hadīth Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Rasūl Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Isrāfīl Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Yawm al-Dīn Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Qiyāma Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Maʿād Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Munkir and Nakīr Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Mahdī Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Sharīʿa Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Dunyā Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. ʿĀlam Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. God as the Final Judge Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Fitrah Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Nafs Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Al-Qalb al-Salīm Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Hawa Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Shaytan Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Pride Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Imām of the Ahl al-Bayt (as) Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Sunnism Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Shi’ism Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Ahl al-Bayt (as) Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. 12 Imāms Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Imāma Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Wahī Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Ilhām Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Tawhīd Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Adalah Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Nubuwwa Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Imamah Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Qiyāmah Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Usūl al-Dīn Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email.