Categories Select All Cards Curriculum General Categories Foundations of Islam - Obligatory Acts Foundations of Islam - Theology God, Religion and Islam: An Introduction Independent Topics Islam, Religion, and Modern Controversies Islamic Relationships, Sects and Conflicts Islamic Relationships, Sects and Conflicts Measuring Good and Bad in Islam Prophethood in Islam Special Topics The Legacy of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and h... The Qur'an and Hadith Converting to Islam God, Religion and Islam Introductio... Islam, Religion and Modern Controve... Curriculum General All | Question & Answer | Glossary Do Shias believe that the Qur’an has been changed? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Do Shias worship stones in their prayer? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Do Shias believe Imam Ali (as) was God? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Do Shias believe that Imam Mahdi (aj) is living in a cave? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Do Shias consider Sunnis as non-Muslims? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What are the two major sects or denominations of Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Does Shi’ism have subsects? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How do we know what the right sect or denomination is in Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Who are the right Imams or Leaders one should follow according to Islam? Are they the companions of the Prophet (s) ? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How many rightful sects can we have? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Is it possible that there are no right sects in Islam? That is, they are all deviant? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. When did Shi’ism turn into an independent and self-contained school? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. When did Sunnism as we know it today officially begin? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. When did the initial split between Shia and Sunni begin? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What are the founding text books of Sunnism? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How and why is it that Sunnism as we know it today was created in the 11th century? What are the reasons? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How do you define Sunnism today? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is the reason behind religious conflicts? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What are some of the major reasons for religious conflicts? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How can we stop religious conflicts? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. What is haqq in Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. How are rights understood in Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Do we have rights and responsibilities to ourselves in Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Are there inalienable rights in Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Do men and women have the same rights in Islam? Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Takfeer Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Turba Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Tahreef Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. N/A Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Twelver or Imami Shias Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Ismaili Shias Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Proto-Sunnism Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. N/A Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Haqq Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Huquq Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email. Jizya Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email Your Name: To: Use ',' to separate email.